Tuesday 8 December 2009

Analu, Carol and Mari

- Hi, everybody, my name is Pucca.
- Hello. My name is Emy.
- Good Afternoon, my name is Isa.
- How are you ?
- I'm fine. And you, Isa?
- Me too. What do you do in your free time, Pucca ?
- I kiss Garu every second...Hahahha! And you, Emy ?
- I play with my band, Six Pack, every day. And you, Isa?
- I sing with Alex every day.
- All right. Bye bye!
- Bye. See you tomorrow!
- I have to go now. Bye!


  1. E aí,gente???é a Mari(EMY)!!!!

    Eu amei o jeito em que a Ana L´imitou a Pucca....

    com amor,Mary Emy

  2. OI gente,ficou muito legal!!!
